Monday, April 30, 2012

Opinion writing

The new CCGPS has changed persuasive writing to "opinion" writing, which honestly is much easier to teach. I had thought about getting a dog, for a while now so what better way to teach opinion writing than by making it about myself? The kids love to be involved in my life, and this was a great way to include them. I printed out a picture of the dogs that I was considering rescuing. There were a few puppies to choose from, and I hadn't met them, but I had talked to the STARS organization about rescuing one of the puppies. First the students choose a side. We discussed reasonings, and they had plenty to choose from! They spouted out all kids of things. The kids decided if I should get another dog, and then wrote their paragraph. You have to read these. They are SO funny!

Yes votes

Believe it or not, there were several "No" votes.

The kids finally got their answer when I finally told them my decision. They thought I just counted up the votes and tallied them. I explained to them that I carefully considered their writing and made the decision to rescue a sweet baby girl, that I named Zoey. See her pictures here!

1 comment:

  1. Hi erin,
    Cute idea! I just found you and am your newest follower. Cute blog! Come on over and visit me sometime when you get a chance. :o)
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After
