Sunday, November 6, 2011


This is the start of the Nouns. We learned about all kinds of nouns, and here are some things we have done in the past couple months! Here is another example of a way that we used a flip book. I forgot to take a picture of the kiddos work but here is my example that I showed them.

Then we did a chart in nouns. My firsties love post it notes. We used this not cute, but easy post it note chart on the whiteboard.

 Next we learned about singular and plural nouns. The kids cut out examples in a magazine of singular and plural nouns. Sometimes I wonder about their choices, so I had them write the words as well.

When we learned about pronouns, they made another flip chart. (I swear they love them too!) They wrote down several examples under the flaps. 

Addition Fun

I am trying to catch up on my posts, so here are some activities we made a couple of months ago.. (Where has the time gone?!?!?)

Here are some of our adding three numbers flip books. The kids loved this and I LOVE flip books. They are easy to make and the kids use them for everything in my classroom.

How cute are the lipsticks???

 I told the kids to choose three numbers and add them together. Look at this example! This student picked three random numbers so he could draw as many stars as he wanted, and came up with 22. Let me also say, we were only going to add up to ten...after I saw this, I was SO glad I let them pick their own numbers :)

I also had the kiddos make this. The each got a triangle and picked three numbers. Then they had to write the fact family on the rectangle. The loved this, and it was super easy!